Ganges brahmaputra basin pdf files

Approvedvalidated tors and operational guidelines documents. The lifeline of the people of assam is a result of the help and contribution of a number of people to whom i would like to acknowledge my sincere gratitude. Animation of a generic satellite taking digital elevation map measurements across the ganges and brahmaputra river basin. Although only 8 percent of the 580,000squarekilometer basin area of the brahmaputra is in bangladesh,190 it is bangladeshs largest water system, followed by the ganges, then the meghna. Map of tectonomorphic features and controls on the gangesbrahmaputra rivers and delta system. Linking rivers in the gangesbrahmaputra river basin. This report focuses on three major river basins in south asia. The delta is the second largest in the world by area, containing more than 100 million people ericson et al. River brahmaputra is called yarlung transpo in tibet. In the gangesbrahmaputrameghna gbm basin, the bridge project is funded by the asia foundation and the transboundary rivers of south asia trosa programme of oxfam novib. Reference climate dataset for the indus, ganges, and. The meghna basin is comprised of parts of the north assam and south assam meteorological subdivisions in india and the meghna basin in bangladesh. Water resource competition in the brahmaputra river basin.

Through a series of regional dialogues and consensus. Spread over the south asian nations of bangladesh, bhutan, india, nepal, and vast areas in the tibet region of china, the gbm basin 17,45,400 sq km is the second largest. The growth of the gangabrahmaputra delta is dominated by tidal processes. Gangesbrahmaputrameghnabasin pfuhe 1,dmmitchell,pdbates 1,ccsampson 2,amsmith 2 andasislam 3 1 schoolofgeographicalsciences,universityofbristol,unitedkingdom. Therefore, a novel reference climate dataset covering the indus, ganges, and brahmaputra igb river basins has been constructed with a particular focus on improved representation of highaltitude precipitation. Although its deltaic portion lies mostly in bangladesh, the course of the ganges within india is longer than that of any of the countrys. The indus basin connects china, afghanistan, pakistan and india, while the brahmaputra and the ganga connect china, bhutan, india, nepal and bangladesh.

A composite water vulnerability index estimated at basin and subbasin scales based on analysis of water resource stresses, development pressures, ecological insecurity and management challenges shows that. These rivers all converge in bangladesh as the meghna river and flow out to the bay of bengal. The ganges basin is a part of the gangesbrahmaputrameghna gbm river basin, draining 1,089,370 square kilometers km2 in tibet china, nepal, india and bangladesh, and is one of the most populated 600 million river basins in the world with a population density of 550 persons km2. They cause large scale problems in the low lying country of bangladesh. In the hills to the south of the ganges ganga valley, a group of sites has been assigned to the vindhya neolithic. This paper explores the ecological effects of the topdown ganges basin water management systems in chapra, bangladesh, based on my ethnographic fieldwork a data collected in 201112. The gangesbrahmaputra delta or the bengal deltaconsists of bangladesh and the state of west bengal, india. As a contribution to these efforts, the world bank recently commissioned specialist teams to assess and map flood risk across the ganges river basin and to design and evaluate flood forecasting tools for the greater gangesbrahmaputrameghna basin. For example, the 1998 floods in bangladesh covered more. The indian and bangladesh portions of the basin are shown in more detail in figure 2.

Gangesbrahmaputrameghna civil society organisation. Collecting lidar data over the ganges and brahmaputra. Holistic engineering and hydrodiplomacy in the ganges. The ganges ganga, considered sacred by the countrys hindu population, is 1,560 miles 2,510 km long. The physical geography of the gangabrahmaputra basin the gangabrahmaputra basin can broadly be divided into four geographical regions the himalayan zone, the great plains, hilly areas of east and hill and plateau tracts of the south. Isotopic and elemental data for the particulate and dissolved materials of the brahmaputra have been taken from singh and francelanord 2002 and singh et al. Media in category ganges basin the following 11 files are in this category, out of 11 total. Chandigarh160 014 india gangesbrahmaputrameghna basin. Floodplain processes in the bengal basin and the storage. It is the worlds largest delta, and empties into the bay of bengal.

The ganges brahmaputra meghna river system 3 integrated flood management 8 endtoend flood forecasting and early warning systems 9 flood forecasting in the ganges brahmaputra meghna basins 12 section 2 flood risk assessment for the ganges basin 23 introduction 23 exposure. Skapa en bok ladda ner som pdf utskriftsvanlig version. The brahmaputra river drains an area of around 580,000km2, covering four countries % of total catchment area in brackets. The ganges brahmaputra delta, also named ganges delta, sunderban delta or bengal delta is situated in asia where the ganges and brahmaputra rivers discharge into the bay of bengal.

Pdf water management in the gangesbrahmaputra basin. Pdf this book explores the latest advances in our understanding of the evolution of the gangabrahmaputra delta, examining the damodar basin. Forecasting for the ganges brahmaputrameghna river basins. China, india, and bangladesh nilanthi samaranayake, satu limaye, and joel wuthnow.

The brahmaputra river originates in china and through india and bangladesh. Case study gangesbrahmaputra river basin flooding is a significant problem in the gangesbrahmaputra river basin. The areas with least rainfall are located in the himalayan mountain range and the tibetan plateau. This document describes the construction of a historical climate dataset for the igb river basins, which has been. Nepal is located entirely in the ganges basin and bhutan is located entirely in the brahmaputra basin. Situated within a tectonically subsiding foreland, the highload ganges and brahmaputra rivers top their banks during the summer monsoon julyseptember when over 80% of annual water discharge occurs coleman, 1969. Pdf english the transboundary river basin profile is a summary of key information that gives an overview of the water resources and water use at the river basin level, including the transboundary water issues. Flooding is a significant problem in the ganges and brahmaputra river basin. Ganges brahmaputra river basin rainfall in average year. The ganges and brahmaputra rivers, together with their tributaries, drain about onethird of india. The bridge gbm programme has developed a regional network of more than 30 csos from the five gbm countries. The sites contain circular huts made of timber posts and thatch. Use of nasa logos, insignia and emblems is restricted per u. Delta del gangesbrahmaputra nasa terramodis 4996898562.

Pdf conflict and cooperation in the gangesbrahmaputra. Most of the population is poor and rely on agriculture. The brahmaputra river basin consists of the ganges and brahmaputra, which originates in tibet and the barak river starting in india. The population density is very high with 195,432, and 1,0 inhabitantskm2 in the nepal, india, and bangladesh sections, respectively. Trends and persistence in precipitation in the ganges. The brahmaputra annually provides approximately 65 percent of the countrys river water. The ganga basin harbours a rich biota including wide variety of relict species, like the ganges river dolphin platanista gangeticagangetica, the ganges river shark glyphis gangeticus, ganges softshell turtle nilssonia gangeticus, gharials gavialisgangeticus and several species of. There are both human and natural causes of flooding in this area. The brahmaputra called yarlung tsangpo in tibet, siangdihang river in arunachal pradesh. The ganga basin is a part of the ganges brahmaputra basin draining 1,086,000 square kilometres in tibet, nepal, india and bangladesh. To the north, the himalaya or lower parallel ranges beyond form the gangesbrahmaputra divide. An example of this topdown system is the farakka barrage in india that causes major ecological system failures and challenges to community livelihoods.

Distribution unlimited water resource competition in the brahmaputra river basin. The paper will be discussed and disseminated during capacitybuilding events and dialogues on hydrodiplomacy, and used a tool to build regional consensus for strengthening existing basin agreements and institutions in the gbm. It emerges from angsi glacier,on the northern side of the himalayas in burang county in south western part of tibet autonomous region tar at an altitude. Model study of the impacts of future climate change on the. Gangesbrahmaputrameghna basin the case of bangladeshindia transboundary water relations jayanta bandyopadhyay nilanjan ghosh research journal social sciences, 24 125 2016 panjab university chandigarh160 014 india issn 02548x jayanta bandyopadhyay, and environment policy, indian institute of management calcutta. Brahmaputra river system brahmaputra is the one among the mightiest rivers of asia. Gangesbrahmaputrameghna delta, bangladesh and india. The himalayas the himalayas, with some of the loftiest peaks of the world is one of the. Ganges brahmaputra river basin rainfall in average year the rainfall distribution within the river basin is representative of the range of topography and climate of this area. Aquastat faos global information system on water and. Chapter ii the geography of the gangabrahmaputra basin. Gangesbrahmaputrameghna river basin 3 the headwaters of both the ganges and the brahmaputra river originate in the himalayan mountain range in china. The brahmaputra river originates in eastern tibet where as the ganges rivers source is in the west by the tibetindia border and flows south east across india to join the brahmaputra river in bangladesh. Ganges och brahmaputras deltan ar forenade till ett, tillsammans upptagande 82 594 kvadratkilometer.

Pdf conflict and cooperation in the gangesbrahmaputrameghna. About 250 years ago in 1776, the brahmaputra river flowed east side of. The ganges basin management and community empowerment. Climate change and water availability in the ganges. One important delta where subsidence is poorly understood is the gangesbrahmaputrameghna gbm basin in southeast asia. Brahmaputra brahmas son, en av asiens storsta floder. The ganges and brahmaputra rivers flow into the bengal basin and coalesce in the country of bangladesh. Lowest riparian with the most to lose, strongest advocate of basinwide management nilanthi samaranayake chapter summary bangladesh faces its greatest potential threat on the brahmaputra river from upper riparian activities, but its most. India turned down these proposals, although it was agreed that water resources experts of the two countries should, exchange data on projects of mutual interests. In the gbmbasin, the abundant water during the monsoon leads to hazards such as flooding and other natural disasters. Gangesbrahmaputrameghna river basin food and agriculture.

The ganges river flows southwest into india and then turns southeast, being joined by many tributaries. The gangesbrahmaputrameghna gbm is a transboundary river system spanning five. The brahmaputra is one of the worlds largest transboundary river systems and provides a rich diversity of resources. Erosion and weathering in the brahmaputra river system. This animation was created for a nasafunded educational movie as part of the fulbright program.

In the course of my discovery of the river and the people of the brahmaputra valley, i came into contact with several individuals from different parts of the state. One of the most studied international basins, the ganges, has tremendous joint development potential that has not yet beenrealized by its riparian states. Exploring the transboundary effects year, about 20 % of the country is inundated, but in extreme years the area of inundation may rise up to 60 % ahmed et al. Trends and persistence in precipitation in the ganges, brahmaputra and meghna river basins 847 fig. Note that areas of uplift serve to partition the delta into numerous subbasins that each have. Numerous values of subsidence are reported in the literature, ranging from. These are not necessarily in the public domain materials based on hubble space telescope data may be ed if they are not explicitly produced by the stsci.

Pdf neothinking on gangesbrahmaputra basin geomorphology. The gangesbrahmaputrameghna river system 3 integrated flood management 8 endtoend flood forecasting and early warning systems 9 flood forecasting in the gangesbrahmaputrameghna basins 12 section 2 flood risk assessment for the ganges basin 23 introduction 23 exposure. Map of the gangesbrahmaputramegna basin tfdd, 2007. The basin is home to 630 million people, the great majority of whom are poor. The gangesbrahmaputrameghna gbm delta and its catchment area. Physical assessment of the brahmaputra river iucn portals. The gangesbrahmaputrameghna gbm river basin is a transboundary river basin with a.